
Team Members

  • Sophia He

    Sophia He

    Sophia He is a sixteen-year-old junior from Newton, MA. She enjoys reading works of classic authors, especially those by female Latinists. She believes that Latin works written by, for, and about women are not only meaningful because of the wisdom they contain, but also from the social justice perspective that they receive the same attention that other Latin texts do. Therefore, she founded Project Nota to wish to bring together a team and a community who are equally as passionate about this cause. Apart from Classics, Sophia is interested in the performing arts and writing. She has been in multiple school musical productions and is a member of the school varsity dance team. She has given a piano performance at Carnegie Hall, and her writings have been recognized by the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. As Director of Project Nota, Sophia wishes to foster community as well as communication between the Departments to achieve the common goal.

Project Nota

Project Nota is a group dedicated to drawing attention to the Latin letters and works of famous women by focusing on the digitization of texts, translating these texts into English, Spanish, and French, and increasing their overall accessibility. Among us we have over 150 years of Latin experience including many years of teaching experience, seven advanced degrees, many publications in academic journals, and multiple positions in professional organizations.

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